What happens when the auction is closed?

What happens when the auction is closed?

At CatchTiger there are two types of domain names: quarantine and marketplace domain names. A marketplace domain name has been put up for sale by the original owner. A domain name that is in the quarantine period has been canceled or not paid by the owner. After the quarantine period, the domain name is released to the entire public.

If there is a higher bidder with a quarantine domain name, we will do our best to register this domain name within 48 hours after the auction. If you are the highest bidder, we will of course keep you informed of the status of this domain name.

When you are the highest bidder for a marketplace domain name, we ensure that the move of the domain name runs smoothly. If there are no bids placed on the domain name, the auction period of the marketplace domain name will be extended by 30 days automatically and free of charge. A seller can choose whether he wants to sell the domain with a fix price or that potential buyers can make an offer for the domain names he wants to sell. If you opt for direct sales, you have to state your minimum selling price. If you choose to bid from, your starting price is optional. If you do not enter anything, it depends on the user's subscription for which amount he can place a bid. When there is an offer he can accept, ignore or make a counter offer through the transfer centre.